Olympus DS-9000 Flash card Black

Olympus DS-9000 Flash card Black
Code - V741021BE000
DS-9000, DSS / DSS Pro / WAV / MP3, 2.4" TFT LCD, SD, micro SD, Mini USB 2.0, 120.8x49.8x18.6 mm, 116.5 g, System Edition

Please note the description below is relevant to the model range, not necessarily the specific model you are currently viewing. The image is for illustration purposes only and may not represent the exact model.

Please check the manufacturer's website using the Product Code to view the full and detailed specification and image.


With advanced features including a superior noise cancelling system, best-inclass file encryption, and supreme structural integrity, the DS-9000 will simplify your workflow and increase dictation management efficiency. Intelligent dual microphones control the directionality to keep the focus on the person dictating and suppress ambient noise in offices, hospitals, cars, airports and other noisy environments. A triple layer studio quality filter ensures accurate voice capture while reducing unwanted sounds such as breath and wind vibrations. This ensures superior accuracy that enhances workflow efficiency.

Encapsulated in a 1.5 meter shockproof body and equipped with an optical slide switch, the DS-9000 is designed to be a strong, dependable workhorse in heavy use environments. Complete with 256-bit AES encryption and device pin lock, the DS-9000 provides trusted security to your most sensitive information.
Additional Information

Please note the description below is relevant to the model range, not necessarily the specific model you are currently viewing. The image is for illustration purposes only and may not represent the exact model.

Please check the manufacturer's website using the Product Code to view the full and detailed specification and image.

Additional Information

Short Description DS-9000, DSS / DSS Pro / WAV / MP3, 2.4" TFT LCD, SD, micro SD, Mini USB 2.0, 120.8x49.8x18.6 mm, 116.5 g, System Edition
SKU V741021BE000
EAN 4545350052058
Specification No
Manufacturer Olympus
Reviews No
PDF Url No