Wenger/SwissGear Sherpa 16 notebook case 40.6 cm (16") Messenger case Black

Wenger/SwissGear Sherpa 16 notebook case 40.6 cm (16") Messenger case Black
Code - 600653
16", black, Neoprene,Polyester

Please note the description below is relevant to the model range, not necessarily the specific model you are currently viewing. The image is for illustration purposes only and may not represent the exact model.

Please check the manufacturer's website using the Product Code to view the full and detailed specification and image.


Additional Information

Please note the description below is relevant to the model range, not necessarily the specific model you are currently viewing. The image is for illustration purposes only and may not represent the exact model.

Please check the manufacturer's website using the Product Code to view the full and detailed specification and image.

Additional Information

Short Description 16", black, Neoprene,Polyester
SKU 600653
EAN 7613329008119
Specification No
Manufacturer Wenger/SwissGear
Reviews No
PDF Url No